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  • Applying Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to the New World of Work

    Published in 1989, Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People remains a greatly valued model for business success. Although the book was written more than thirty years ago, its concepts are meant to be applicable in all types of circumstances. Times have changed and the New World of Work we live in today has added new meaning to Covey’s list of habits. What more can we say about the list now? Today, we will elaborate on Covey’s seven habits in the context of the New World of Work (NWOW) and how you can operationalize these habits to become an effective change leader. If you’ve never heard of this book before, take a look at this article to gain some insight into Covey’s advice. 1. Be Proactive The first habit on Covey’s list is to be proactive—to know your influence and to use it. You can’t go through life only being reactive; things don’t only happen to you—you happen to them too, and it’s important to remember that. The NWOW hasn’t altered the essence of being a proactive person, but it has altered the methods of going about it. You have to decide for yourself what works for you and learn to balance selfishness with self-affirmation. Know what you want, ask yourself if it’s within reason, and go for it. The issue with the NWOW is that remote work means less chance of bumping into someone in the hallway or kitchen (we’d hope zero chance if you live alone). Meandering from one task to the next won’t necessarily get you noticed—you must now present yourself and make the effort to form connections outside of coffee breaks and water cooler talk. While these connections may have happened more organically in the past, the NWOW means that you sometimes have to force a “chance meeting”—without seeming obnoxious of course. 2. Begin with the End in Mind The second item on the list is to begin with the end in mind—to envision your end goal and reflect on the steps you need to take to get there. While the idea of keeping on task is simple enough, the NWOW has, for many people, questioned the concept of success in the workplace. Many people have discovered that their goals do not lie in their work, and this is okay. Perhaps their goal is to have more work flexibility so that they may spend more time with their families. As long as they can find purpose in both their work and home lives, that is what would be called success. It’s great to have a goal and to follow it, but you also need to be open to the fact that your goal might change. So yes, begin with the end in mind, but be ready to pivot if that end changes. 3. Put First Things First To put first things first is to prioritize what’s important and get your tasks in order. This habit follows from the previous one; if you begin with the end in mind, everything should fall into place. You can only prioritize so many things though; identifying those few things and focusing on them is key. Once you manage your most important tasks, you can start prioritizing other ones down the list. Juggling five different priorities will lead to little progress, so do take the time to reflect on what it is that’s important to you and focus on it. 4. Think Win-Win The idea that there always exists a win-win situation for everyone can seem naïve, and to a certain extent is, but the concept is important for understanding others’ needs. An effective change leader needs to know how to empathize with their team and articulate what’s in it for them. Sometimes, there really isn’t any benefit for the team members individually and the important question becomes: what’s in it for we? Seeing the big picture can make people realize that the “we” end up benefitting them in a more general sense, e.g., if the company does well, so will the employee. From the perspective of team leaders, it can be difficult to accept that remote work is a win-win situation, considering you can’t see your team working in front of you; but what needs to be measured is the output—the results—not hours spent behind a screen. Leaders need to be able to accept and trust in their team’s accountability for there to be a win-win situation in the NWOW. 5. Seek First to Understand, then to Be Understood Let others know they are being understood before you expect them to understand you. In the NWOW, people are more vocal about specific benefits they expect (like working from home). People understand their rights, which is great as long as it doesn’t turn into arrogance. Leaders no longer rule with an iron fist; they have to learn to be accommodating towards their team (within reason of course). Leaders must listen to and understand their team, guiding them rather than trying to manage them. On the other hand, team members must also understand what’s expected of them and act accordingly. Nevertheless, it’s the leader’s job to set the right example for proper communication. 6. Synergize In order to reach this point, you need to have the previous five habits in order. Persistence, creativity, and open-mindedness are important skills to achieve good team synergy. Be persistent in trying different ways of doing things, be creative with new narratives that need to be implemented, and be open-minded to replacing what doesn’t work and leveraging what does. Essentially, be flexible to any necessary change so that you can find the best methods for you and your team’s situation. 7. Sharpen the Saw Examine your habits and aim for continued development. In general, people should constantly be questioning their habits. Are they still relevant? What needs to be renewed? Just like technology goes through continuous improvement, so should people if they want to keep up with today’s fast-paced environment. Mastering the cycle of unlearning and relearning is a crucial skill to adapt to change. You can read more about the importance of relearning in this article. Besides renewing your habits, self-care is also a necessary quality to remember. Knowing your limits and taking care of yourself has to come before any attempt at advancing towards your goals. In Conclusion... Although you might agree or disagree with some habits more than others and the order of importance might vary depending on your personal needs, Covey’s list is still a worthwhile model for success. The working world he lived in was quite different from ours, but his advice can still help us weave our way through the NWOW while attaining personal and/or business success. Author Krista Schaber-Chan Managing Partner Toronto Email l LinkedIn

  • Relearning in the New World of Work - "The Great Relearning" Revolution

    Adapt or Get Left Behind: Relearning in the New World of Work (NWOW) In our so-called “New World of Work,” where rapid change is inevitable, adapting to every new reality has become the essential survival tactic. The value of change leaders has shifted from their ability to learn, to their ability to learn and unlearn constantly. In this sense, we at Harbinger believe learning to be a constant journey rather than a single sit-down lesson. To spot the difference between training and learning, you can refer to this blog on differentiating the two. Whether you’re an official leader or a leader without a title, the principles of relearning apply to everyone. People need to want to accept change, and there needs to be a conscious effort to do so; but naturally, the process comes with a lot of trial and error. The Cycle of Unlearning and Relearning While the old-school response to change has been to apply a specific methodology or implement one-size-fits-all training courses, the new reality we face is not so simple or linear. Any amount of change requires acquiring new habits, which also means letting go of old ones. A single training course won’t be able to undo years of managing tasks in a specific way. So, how do we unlearn these habits to adapt to our changing environments? We can start by looking at where we developed these habits in the first place. The beginning part of the cycle of unlearning and relearning is…learning something in the first place. Learning can be both great and dangerous; while we may be gaining new knowledge and practical skills, we may also be picking up habits that are based on partial knowledge or limited information. As we grow accustomed to beliefs we’ve learned or are taught, we gradually see them as truths; we become resistant to the idea that our beliefs could be anything but correct. Recognizing that what we learn is not always a hard truth, but rather a cultivated belief, is a necessary step in letting go of these beliefs. Once we can do that, unlearning and relearning becomes simple. The Major Roadblock: Yourself The biggest impediment you will face in the process of relearning is yourself—or rather, your ego. The ego can be a difficult thing to tame, especially if it means acknowledging faults or accepting better work methods than your own. The ego is what brings us to accept beliefs as truths; it’s what makes us stubborn and unwilling to budge from our comfortable, established routine. But flexibility is key today, and the ego must sometimes be checked. Reflecting on the origins of our beliefs is a great starting point for deconstructing them. If you’re able to pinpoint where certain “truths” come from, it’s a lot easier to remember a time when they didn’t exist to you. If you lived without them before, you can live without them again. Now that two important points have been established—understanding the ego and knowing the difference between fact and belief—the last step is to combine the two into an understanding of how our ego can influence our thoughts. How can we be better aware of our partiality to certain “truths”? Humility is a wonderful quality which allows us to ask ourselves questions and take the time to reflect on the past. If we can accept that we are not always right and our methods are not always the best, we leave room to swap old habits for new ones. It's important to note that relearning can be frustrating when we just can’t get used to the new system updates on our computers, or whatever else it might be. The problem isn’t with you alone, and it isn’t an inability to learn; it’s a struggle to unlearn. In her article on the topic of unlearning and relearning, Forbes columnist Dr. Margie Warrell likens the process of relearning to painting a wall. Only around 30% of the work is repainting, while around 70% percent of the work is stripping off the old paint. The hardest and most arduous task is unlearning. Effort must be consciously put into the task in order to achieve results. Nobody subconsciously accepts that they could be in the wrong—they have to consciously think about getting over their own ego and setting aside their beliefs; once that’s done, they can see from an objective point-of-view and might realize that relearning is in their best interest after all. How the NWOW Has Affected Change Leaders The time of overbearing employers and silently compliant employees is over. With the NWOW has come a surge in employees voicing their opinions and demanding certain benefits, such as the ability to work from home. Leaders need to get on board with this type of change if they want to enable high performers and form good connections with their team. Times have changed and we now understand more about people, specifically human nature. Team members cannot be expected to unlearn and relearn by being ordered or trained to do so. In reality, people cannot truly be managed; they can only be guided and enabled to learn through appropriate change leadership. A key tip to note is that there are two types of self-awareness: awareness of how others affect you, and awareness of how you affect others. The latter of the two is the one most often forgotten. As change leaders, it’s crucial to have the ability to empathize and understand how our actions affect our teams, and not just how they affect us. By looking at our teams not as a single body but as a group of intelligent individuals with their own responsibilities, we can find better ways to lead change in ways that suit each person respectively. What Can We Do? In the end, there is no magic formula for adapting to change on an organizational or individual level. The only sound advice we can give you is to try; and if you fail, pivot, and try again. The cycle of unlearning and relearning is a gradual process that takes time to sink in—no thirty-minute training can help you there. As long as you’re conscious of and open to the change that needs to happen, all you need to do is apply yourself a little and you’ll be sure to reach your change goals. Author Krista Schaber-Chan Managing Partner Toronto Email l LinkedIn

  • Forecasting The Future of Change Management: Harbinger and Friends Edition

    In this week’s blog, Krista Schaber-Chan, Managing Partner, Harbinger, and Yvonne Ruke Akpoveta, Founder and CEO, The Change Leadership, two fierce female Change Management leaders, discuss the future of Change Management. How would you define the Future of Change Management? Krista: Generally, the future of Change Management is change or die. Change is rapid, especially when compared to my grandmother who experienced many changes in her life span. While my grandmother endured significant changes such as the introduction of motorized vehicles, computers, and seeing a man walk on a moon, the difference now is that we see this level of change on a monthly or weekly basis. We all must accept it, embrace it, and get on with it. Yvonne: In just a few words, I would say the future of change management is moving away from rigid models and approaches to being responsive, adaptable, and experiential. We will need to focus more on building skills and competencies in which we are agile and responsive in adapting our approach to leading and managing change based on the various characteristics of the change and organization. One where we move away from thinking of Change Management as a linear process, to one of that is dynamic and changing, hence the need for us to be situational on how we approach change. 2. What does the role of a Change Manager look like in the future? Are there any new skills and capabilities required for them to be successful? Krista: Given the magnitude and pace of change taking place, there will continue to be a need for structure and rigour to support people through change. However, there has been a shift from ‘doing’ to ‘guiding’ and from being Change Managers to Change Thought Leaders. The role of a Change Thought Leader is strategic and is focused more heavily on coaching and enabling versus ‘managing’ people through change. It also requires us to build better relationships, strengthen people skills, possess foresight and emotional intelligence. To address this shift, Harbinger has worked to develop a series of Change Enablement courses, designed for those looking to upskill in this area. Also, as Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more prominent within the change management space, our roles are changing as a result. It is important for people to understand that despite how advanced AI has become, it is far from being capable to what we do on the ‘human-side’ of change. Yvonne: The role of the Change Manager is changing from one of being the hero, who is coming in with their “superpowers” (i.e. models and methodologies) to being more of a coach, facilitator, collaborator, empathetic, emotionally intelligent, multidisciplinary, and more. These may sound like a lot of skills, but many of them can be wrapped into being a Change Leader. In our Change Leadership Accelerator program, we focus on the skills required to build change leadership competencies and situational change leadership, and how this can be applied to every stage of the change management cycle. 3. If the future of change management looks different, do we need to revisit how we ‘manage’ change? Do the methodologies many of us use today need to be refreshed or do they still hold strong? Krista: Our methodologies need to be more holistic. We cannot support people through change if we do not communicate effectively, and if new behaviours are not learned. Change Management alone cannot achieve the desired results we want to see. When enabling change, our change management strategies must include communications and learning. Sometimes you will hear a Change Manager say, “Oh I don’t do anything with training; that is so and so’s job…,” all I can think is that you are not really managing or supporting change, because you can’t enable change or embed new behaviours without providing learning. Yvonne: We need to revisit the way we manage change for sure. There is still a vast place for many of the methodologies we use today, as many of them are based on behavioural principles. What needs to change, is how we use them. We need to understand that these methodologies or models are ‘frameworks’ or ‘guidelines’, and should be treated as such, and not a one size fits all. We need a ‘pick and mix’ approach when using methodologies based on our understanding of the change situation and our audience/stakeholders, as well as adding change leadership skills. 4. What are the biggest changes or trends companies can expect to experience in the next three to five years? Krista: There are a few that immediately come to mind. The employee market, the use of technology and digital advancements, and leading from the individual level. 1. In recent months we have seen a drastic change in the employee market. Employees now have more power and more say about when they work, where they work, how they work, and why they work. Employers have no options but to support that. Hiring the best people means less rigidity on where and when people work and more flexibility on accommodating employee preferences and what fits their lives. With all of that said, employers need to balance this by continuing to provide structure. 2. The use of technology will continue to increase, and with more hybrid workplace models being introduced this means security needs to be rethought and prioritized. There needs to be increased thought leadership on what security means today as everything digitally is out in the world anyway. We must ask ourselves what we are afraid of and what can we control? Security is about planning than being reactive to what is being put out there. To expand on the topic of technology, fast-paced digital advancements have created a world where everything can be shared, leaked, or even changed. These digital advancements have led to an abundance of fake news and movements like cancel culture. It is surprising to find how easy it is for people to believe what they read, which isn’t surprising since we have become accustomed to only reading headlines. Unfortunately, these changes have made significant impacts on how information is collected and shared, making it crucial for organizations to focus more on protecting their brand and reputation. 3. There has been a shift over the past few years of looking at change from the individual level – which is the right thing and I feel this trend will continue until it becomes the norm. Individual contributors are speaking up and making their needs known, and while we should still consider the big picture the big picture is made up of many individual pieces. Leading and enabling change at the individual level will mean planning and providing curated experiences while balancing the objective of the change itself and the organization. Yvonne: That’s a tough one, to predict anything in today’s ever changing business environment. But based on what we’re seeing, and what the trends experts are saying, we should see some of the following: a move to data driven (quantitative) change management, yes, change management can be both quantitative and qualitative. Leveraging digital tools and dashboards for reporting. Curated and experiential change management based on individual and grouped stakeholders needs, as opposed to generic offerings. Gamification as part of the tactics leveraged for knowledge development and training. 5. What role does change management play in the New World of Work? Krista: The role of change management is more significant now than in the past. As I have mentioned earlier, the shift is less about the change management, and more about change leadership and enablement. Now we are seeing people within organizations leading change themselves which is fantastic. The accountability to make a positive work experience no longer lays solely on the organization or the organizations senior leaders, but the employees as well. Another evolution I am noticing is the transition of change management from Human Resources to Operations, which makes sense as it is really about embedding new behaviours and processes. Yvonne: There is going to be a lot of change happening with the new world of work as we move towards more AI, tech, and automation, as well as the workplace being shaped by socio economic issues such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and the fallout of the pandemic. These are all changing the way we work, where we work, who we work with and the skills that are required. We will also see more new policies start to emerge as a result, such as the new Ontario Working for Workers Act, 2021, to ensure labour laws to “keep pace with the acceleration of new technology, automation, and remote work”. These changes need to be carefully managed to produce the desired outcomes; this is where the role of change management comes in. We will need to be proactive, responsive, and deliberate in how we manage change, as opposed to being reactive. A big thank you to Krista and Yvonne for sharing their insights on the Future of Change Management. If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to connect with them on LinkedIn. Krista Schaber-Chan Yvonne Ruke Akpoveta Managing Partner, Founder & CEO, Harbinger SCR Inc The Change Leadership LinkedIn LinkedIn

  • 2022: The Year of Employee Empowerment and the Hybrid Workplace Takeover

    As 2021 has come to a close, I am looking forward to the change that a new year will yield. While nobody could have predicted what the last few years have brought us, I am interested in the many ways these unimaginable changes are going to shape the future of business, human connection, and technology. My top 3 predictions for 2022 revolve around employees and the ownership that employees are taking for the workplace they want to see for themselves - and how companies are following their lead. 1. Employees taking accountability Since the beginning of the pandemic almost 2 years ago, to where we are today, employees have seen a dramatic shift in how they work and how they navigate their home and work life as a cohesive entity. As employees have adjusted to working from home or have adopted a hybrid workplace environment, the number of people who want to go back to the office full-time has minimized. In the first three months of the pandemic, we saw panicked employees who did not know how to navigate working from home or collaborate with coworkers without seeing them in person. Now, according to a survey from PWC, 41% of employees want to continue some kind of hybrid or remote, flexible work environment. Because of this rise of employees being vocal about how and when they want to work, I predict that the businesses who can, will need to offer some kind of flexible hybrid workplace. A flexible distributed hybrid workplace does not necessarily equal working from home. A hybrid work environment means providing people the opportunity to work when, where, and how they want to. This suggests that we will also see a shift in the way that work is measured; no longer by the hours that people work or how visible they are, but rather by outputs, targets, and goals. This will give employees a certain sense of flexibility. If they still want to go to a coffee shop and work, or if they would prefer to come into the office and have a desk, these options should be available to them. Some employees’ hours may need to shift if that is the only time they have while also homeschooling their child and that flexibility will need to be made available to them. Because if not, that employee will find someone who does offer that flexibility. Employees are no longer victims of their circumstances. Many have chosen to make the most out of the change they have seen in their work environments. This change is liberating, as they know that they have a voice and a say in structuring their work environment. People are saying no, and employees are demanding more. My prediction is that organizations not only will, but will have to do a better job of creating that flexibility for their employees. Their employees know what they want and are empowered to see a change in their workplace. Check out Harbinger’s Hybrid Workplace Resources page to read more information and access a range of tools to help you manage a hybrid workplace 2. Investing in People Organizations need to start creating opportunities and channels for people to get their job done at their own pace, at their own location, and at their own time. The workplace, especially office environments, will have to develop a more flexible definition of what a hybrid workplace looks like for their company. Therefore, organizations will have to invest in the technology and in the security that they need. But most importantly, they have to invest in their people. As employees begin to realize that they have a collective say in the work environment they want to see, they are going to start investing in themselves, their career, and ultimately their skills. It is up to their employer to determine whether they are going to follow suit. According to Forbes, maintaining a high-development culture can benefit companies by keeping employees engaged, thus increasing productivity. Fostering a culture of learning and empowerment can reduce negative effects or trends, such as a big surge in employee resignation that we continue to see. I predict that we will see a rise in talent development, employee workshops, and skills courses. To stay engaged and connected to their role, employees are going to look to upskill, and organizations need to take advantage of this eagerness to learn and grow. Providing these opportunities for employee development can be the difference between a company with a high retention rate and those who see a high turnover rate. 3. Rise in Interactive Communication Technologies Many organizations use one central communication tool such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, or Google Workspace to communicate within their teams, keep files in one place, and host meetings. As we see a continuation of people working from home and a rise in the implementation of a hybrid model, I predict that we will see an advancement in technologies that allow for interactive communication. When it comes to engaging coworkers and collaborating digitally, there are other applications such as Mural or Miro, whose interactive functions allow more collaboration than the Microsoft Teams whiteboard feature. I think that companies will acknowledge that their people want, and also need, these interactive technologies. As the importance of collaboration within our virtual or hybrid environments is highlighted, companies will need to invest in these company-wide collaboration tools. I think companies are slowly warming up to making changes such as implementing new technology or applications, rather than being steadfast in doing things “the way they have always been done”. It appears that virtual collaboration is here to stay. Companies need to invest in the tools to foster successful, collaborative communication. Other tips to support and drive an effective hybrid workplace: 1. Help employees connect Many people have struggled with feeling detached because they cannot see their team members and leaders in the same was as before the pandemic. While the communication and collaboration tools mentioned above will help, organizations need to realize that for many people, coming to the office is as much about making social connections as it is about being productive. Leaders need to pay close attention to their team's emotional needs. For example, meetings can be started with a check-in, encouraging participants to share something about their life. At Harbinger, we often take the first 5-10 minutes of team meetings for everyone to share how they are feeling in that moment or day allowing them a chance to connect and for others to have empathy or excitement for their peers. 2. Build team cohesion through Personality Assessments The use of personality assessments such as Clifton Strengths (StrengthsFinder) or SDI 2.0 CoreStrengths (Strengths Deployment Inventory) helps teams build awareness of how their peers and leaders work, act, and respond during both good and stressful times. This knowledge establishes that we are not all the same but that the differences are beneficial to a strong and dynamic team. 3. Get outside help Leaders of organizations are busy and are also experiencing change along with the rest of the workforce. Working with a partner company such as Harbinger will help you build and empower your hybrid workplace, accelerating its implementation, and increasing the rate of success. Read more about how Harbinger can help you effectively transform your workplace in this case study for RSA Insurance Group. Just as we saw in this past year, change happens fast and can catch us off guard. Reflecting on these past changes and using what we have learned to propel us forward will help us prepare, embrace, and take on change - whatever this year may bring. What are your predictions for the new year? Share them with me below. Author Krista Schaber-Chan Managing Partner Toronto Email | LinkedIn

  • Is your lack of Principles Sabotaging your Project Success?

    In this week’s blog, Siri Maldonado, Director People Engagement, discusses the importance of Principles during a project or change, explains how they can be developed, and talks about the reinforcement activities required to keep them alive. Have you ever been involved in a project that could not seem to pick up momentum? Maybe one where you understood the goal but couldn’t connect the dots to the bigger picture? Perhaps none of the project activities achieved the results you had hoped for. While there are many variables that could account for these challenges, one of the most common reasons projects do not achieve the desired results stems from a lack of Principles. Principles are values that drive behaviours. Establishing Principles for all your business transformations is vital as they help to drive governance, decision-making, and shape organizational cultures. They also inspire and provide direction to make informed choices. Even more, the best Principles are developed and communicated from the top-down, providing the structure and alignment required for organizations to function and grow. It is important to note that Principles should not be mistaken for rules, which are a set of explicit or understood regulations with little to no flexibility. Now that you understand the purpose of Principles, what’s next? See below for a step-by-step guide on how to develop and use Principles to support and drive your projects forward. 1. Start with a Principles workshop that includes the right people. The Principles should directly relate to your company values and ultimately should be developed or defined from the top down. The key decision makers can include company executives, the project sponsor, and change leaders. Ensuring strong representation from all parts of the business will help to make sure the Principles developed resonate with employees. Once your Principles are defined you can begin to mobilize them through the completion of a Team Charter which outlines agreed ways of working by each team. 2. At the start of the workshop, provide an overview of the business transformation or project, including the case for change, the driving force of the change initiative, who the key players are, and the desired business outcomes. 3. Make sure you provide an overview of what Principles are and why they are needed to successfully drive a project. Ensure all the Principles are connected to your organizational core values for continuity and clarity. For example, if one of your core values is change resiliency, at least one of your Principles should be focused on this value as well. 4. The next step is to evaluate your Principles by asking the following questions: a. Is this principle prescriptive, directional, and effective? b. Does it support us in making decisions? Is it doable, feasible, and actionable? c. Is it values-based, meaningful, and evoke purpose? d. Is it enduring and can it be applied to different projects? e. Is it measurable? Can we evaluate if it is followed, meets our desired outcomes, and provides the correct direction? 5. Now that you have drafted and evaluated your Principles, you need to socialize them with your people. Develop a presentation for senior leaders within the organization who are decision-makers and influential. Share your Principles with them to make sure they are aligned and have a strong understanding of their purpose and how they will help the business achieved success. 6. Communicate, communicate, communicate! Come up with a game plan that includes specific activities such as leader cascades and intranet announcements to share your Principles with the project team and the rest of the business. It is also important to weave the Principles into all your project communications so that they “stick”. 7. Use your Principles to govern any decisions that are made during the project. As mentioned earlier, Principles are not rules, but rather are guideposts keeping us on course. Keeping Principles at the forefront of your project activities will help to drive decisions and ensure those decisions align to them. 8. We know that Principles help to guide new behaviours, and a key piece of driving behavioural change is reinforcement. Unfortunately, this is often forgotten, but failing to reinforce or invest in reinforcement activities is another reason why many change initiatives fail. To help prevent this, organizations should invest the resources and funding required for a robust reinforcement plan that includes training, leader support, and pivoting to new ways of working where needed. It’s also important to remember that Principles don’t disappear when the project ends. Keep revisiting them and embedding them within other projects where they make sense. 9. Call in the experts! This is a great time to leverage your consulting partners to facilitate and drive the Principles workshop, as they possess the expertise and skills to execute an engaging and successful working session. Interested in learning more? Reach out to us today or visit our resources page here for communications plan templates, team charter examples, and more. Author Siri Maldonado Director People Engagement Toronto Email | LinkedIn

  • “What’s in it For Me?”

    At Harbinger, there are a few things that are said every day. One of them is that change starts at the individual level. Sure, we see entire departments come together to restructure, or a company-wide change of implementing new software, but while that is an organizational change, it couldn’t happen without the individuals being willing to change on a personal level. Humans, by nature, are self-fulfilling individuals. We protect ourselves, make decisions for ourselves, and prioritize our well being. The notion of “what’s in it for me?” is not one that is lost on us. We want what is best for ourselves and what will bring us the most satisfaction. By understanding this, organizations may be able to take a more tactical approach to addressing change within a business. When you want to drive change, you must first understand what it is that motivates individuals and what are the drivers for reactions of people. Then, you must invest in the mechanisms to encourage them to change. Accept that people may not come on the journey While it may seem rare, it is possible for people to act in the interest of the collective good. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw a shift in human behaviour — acting not only in the best interest of themselves, but also for the greater good. We were working together to reduce transmission by staying inside, avoiding unnecessary outings, and collectively praising our healthcare workers. We shifted from the “What’s in it for ME” mindset to one of “What’s in it for WE?” But this greater good mindset was challenged, and the optimism that there was a societal shift was met with resistance by some individuals and groups. As rules and mandates shifted, so did many attitudes. Sometimes, there is just an immovable block of a population that does not want to change. This same population is often found in organizations going through change. Some employees dig their heels in and resist the change, whether this be through an obvious outward display of rejection, or a less obvious internal choice to not take the necessary steps for a successful transition. Regardless of the change, there will often be someone who does not come on the change journey. While it is important to understand what motivates individuals and invest in processes that encourage them to adopt the change, there comes a point when the intended benefit of the change needs to be weighed with the cost of retaining an immovable individual. How can we address the “me”? An organizational change likely means that individuals are going to have to learn and do tasks that they have never done before, leading to additional work. Therefore, the sentiment of “for the greater good” may be a hard sell for the individual putting in these hours. Organizations must identify and communicate the real benefits of the change for the individual. There needs to be transparent communication with employees, firstly introducing the what and the why of the change, the benefits at the organizational level and then the benefits at an individual level. For example, if a change results in increased efficiency, the benefits at the organizational level might include an increase in profits and customer satisfaction. But the benefits at the individual level may be more along the lines of additional time to spend at home with family or less stress on the employee. The question of, “Why should I care as an individual?” is one that needs to be answered to address the human nature of self-prioritization. Along these lines is also the importance of addressing what may happen to that individual if they do not adopt the change. Perhaps the individual does not want to fall behind as the organization adopts a new change journey. Additionally, organizations should be cautious of using statements that communicate that employees do not have a choice in adopting the change. Individuals should be led to adoption through proper communication, education, and support. The more an employee feels that they have no choice or no sense of participation in the change, the more resistance they may feel. To avoid pushback, organizations should ensure employees feel heard and that proper education and support is offered. Change is complex and resistance from some individuals is inevitable. While some may choose to stay behind and not come on the change journey, it is crucial that those who do, understand why it benefits them. By identifying these benefits and demonstrating how adopting the change is in their best interest, organizations can minimize resistance and reap the intended outcome of the change. To learn more about combatting change resistance, view Harbinger’s FREE downloadable resources, including Applying a Coaching Mindset to Support Change Resistance. Author Gregory Roth Managing Partner Toronto Email | LinkedIn

  • Change Resiliency – The Secret Recipe for Organizational Culture

    Siri Maldonado, Director People Engagement, talks about the importance of integrating change resiliency into organizational cultures and how doing so can build companies that thrive even during the most challenging times. At Harbinger, we have been at the forefront of change and are seeing a shift in how change is successfully enabled. While change management consultants like us are needed to develop and execute a change management and learning strategy, organizations have a growing responsibility to enable change by embedding a change resilient culture. Consultants will always have a role to play; we are there to guide by providing the tools and resources required for them to be successful. Organizations, however, need to do the heavy lifting to achieve sustained change and achieve their desired results. What is change resiliency and why does change resiliency matter? Change resiliency is the ability to adapt to adversity or times of significant stress. If the pandemic has shown us anything, it is how the ability to rebound, or bounce back after a challenge is incredibly important. Overnight, organizations around the world had to revaluate their business strategies and ways of working. Very few thrived, but those that did experienced exponential growth, increased productivity, and stable or increasing employee engagement levels. How does change resiliency contribute to a positive Organizational Culture? Organizational Culture is defined as the social order of an organization. It consists of values, expectations, and practices that guide and inform behaviours within the company. If an organization includes change resiliency in its culture, it will be able to not only sustain change, but help employees feel and perform their best. Unfortunately, developing and defining organizational cultures is not easy. In fact, contrary to popular belief, culture work doesn’t have an end or start date. As you will learn more below, embedding change resiliency into your Organizational Culture is ongoing and takes effort. To help you with this process, I’ve included my top ten tips on how to embed change resiliency into organizational culture below. 1. Leaders must lead by example. This includes exhibiting change leadership capabilities such as effective communications, ability to inspire others, and embodying and embracing change. If employees are not seeing their leaders exhibiting these skills and behaviours to enable change, they will not believe in the culture or the values that are trying to being fostered. 2. Create an environment where failing is an option. The adage ‘failing is not an option’ is out the door. Organizations that promote innovation, are open to trying and testing new ideas, and failing are the ones that thrive. Let’s use the race to space between the billionaires as an example. Did any of them reach their goal overnight? How many times do you think they have tried and failed before they were successful? What other initiatives do they have in flight that may or may not succeed? 3. Ensure there are two-way communications mechanisms in place. It’s not only crucial to keep employees informed, but it’s equally as important for them to have the ability to openly ask questions, share feedback and participate in communications and engagement activities. It's also important to understand that people will have fears about the unknown and providing them with an outlet to be heard and express their fears can help them move forward with the change. 4. Enhance your focus on learning. If your company is always evolving, so too are the roles. Did you know? Development and learning are why 93% of employees say they will stay longer at a company according to Forbes. Training employees on important skills such as change management helps organizations retain talent, improve productivity, and earn more profit. In addition, reskilling and upskilling has become increasingly important as employees have to become accustomed to acquiring new skills during the pandemic. I mean, how many of us learned how to cut hair or make bread? The eagerness to learn has significantly increased because of what we are currently experiencing. 5. Identify and empower informal change leaders, so that change can be enabled throughout your organization, and not only from the top-down. Informal change leaders are individuals with or without title that are inspiring, influential, and effective communicators that enable change with their peers. 6. Acknowledge your past but continue looking forward. The path to success is never a straight line, and mistakes are always made on the way. The important thing here is to acknowledge that past by taking accountability and learning from these mistakes. Another piece involves having a clear strategy that continues to look forward so that employees have a goal to work towards. 7. Culture must be owned by the senior leadership, not HR. How many times do we see culture owned by HR? The HR function is an important player in driving a positive culture as they hold the tools and expertise to get things into place, however, culture should always be owned by senior leadership. If they’re leading by example, they also need to be the ones accountable for the culture and ultimately shape what it looks like. What’s more, everyone in the organization is responsible for enabling change, not just a particular functional area. 8. Allow your culture to evolve. As I mentioned above, culture initiatives do not have a start or end date. An organizations’ culture is always evolving, and it is important for leaders to allow these changes to take place. Just as we cannot manage change, we cannot manage how external and internal factors such as the pandemic or other social changes like racial injustices or the climate crisis, impact organizational cultures. These are things that cannot be ignored and must be a part of your company’s evolution. Again, to be able to do this successfully, change resiliency must be present. 9. Take risks. Does slow and steady win the race? From personal experience, this doesn’t guarantee a win. So why don’t organizations take more risks? Understandably there could be many reasons contributing to a risk adverse culture, however, times are different now and we know that being able to adapt and embrace change culturally contributes to long-term success. 10. Acknowledge that change is hard. Change is a journey that takes place at the individual level and doesn’t happen overnight. Various change management, communications, and learning activities are required during the stages of change to support individuals throughout their journey. As outlined, embedding change resiliency into Organizational Cultures is becoming increasingly important and a differentiator between companies that thrive and those that do not. The good news is that change resiliency is something that can be nurtured if you follow the right steps and are open to change. Siri Maldonado Director People Engagement Toronto Email | LinkedIn

  • Change Fatigue: Moving From Reactive to Proactive

    Let’s face it, many of us have experienced more change this past year than we may have ever expected or prepared for. Whether it be a loss of a job, a postponed wedding, or a new addition to our daily routine, our lives are always shifting and evolving alongside us. But when dealing with personal change coincides with dealing with organizational change, it can all feel very overwhelming. Within the workplace, change can be beneficial and even necessary to the well-being of the company. A new system or a new team can be all the difference to a successful organization. But when the changes keep coming and are not properly managed, employees can experience what is known as change fatigue. A survey by McKinsey found that the pace of some digital-strategy projects has accelerated from years to a matter of days or weeks due to the pressures and rapid restructuring generated by the pandemic. Simultaneously, the demands of these personal and organizational changes have compounded to become more than many people can handle without becoming overwhelmed. It is evident that during the time when changes are inevitable (working from home, office closures, new systems), employees' ability to adapt to these changes without being fatigued is minimized. If change is not managed appropriately, it can impact the workplace culture, job satisfaction, and even employee retention. Change fatigue can manifest itself into not only employees’ workplace behaviour, but as well as their personal lives. Feelings of burnout, frustration, and being overwhelmed can seep into the cracks of employees’ well-being. But how can organizations work to avoid change fatigue or learn how to identify and minimize it before it becomes unmanageable? Is Everything Important? Have you ever worked on a project or initiative that didn’t explicitly highlight the project priorities? It was likely frustrating, vague, and hard to know when you were truly accomplishing anything. This can be the same case for organizational change in which the priorities and areas of importance are not stated. If executives communicate the message that “everything is important”, employees may be left flailing, investing ample time and energy into a change without seeing substantial results. If an employee is being stretched too thin over multiple areas within a change, then the results will be lackluster. A clear focus on priorities and key areas of change would allow for employees to have targets, goals, and an idea of what is expected of them. When executives narrow the project focus and create attainable success metrics, it allows for more efficient resource allocation. If time and people are managed more efficiently, change fatigue can be minimized. When leaders take the time to signpost the priorities, it allows for targeted success and prevents change fatigue. It is also critical that stakeholders at all levels in the organization clearly understand “first, next, then, after that...” Identifying Brittle Systems If employees are resisting change in response to experiencing change fatigue, then there needs to be a deeper dive into the systems that are brittle, to uncover what is causing them to be this way. Identifying an employee’s barrier to change can be the first step in unpacking the system. Does the employee need more education or training for the skill they are stuck on? Maybe there is a problem with ability — many parents with children whose schools are experiencing shutdowns have limitations in their job performance due to the increased demand for childcare at home. Ultimately, people may simply have limits to how they can adapt to new changes in an organization. By identifying an employee’s barrier to change, the unique mix of activities and support that needs to be brought to that person to “unstick” them can begin. From Reactive to Proactive Surviving a big change undoubtedly feels like an amazing feat. While we know that change never really ends, making it through the thick of it and coming out the other side feels like a win. But leaders often assume that their organizations are change resilient simply because they have survived the change. They see this survival as a measure of success. But is making it through a change truly the best form of measuring prosperity? Surviving is being reactive. Thriving is being proactive. An organization that can move from a reactive mindset to one that is proactive when facing change is one that will be better equipped to handle change and prevent change fatigue for employees. To be proactive requires clear communication channels within all levels of an organization, ensuring alignment with company values and clear outcomes expected from a change. Further, it is crucial that an organization ensures that people have the skills necessary to navigate a complex change environment as part of their standard toolset. Rather than having employees scramble to learn or understand their functions within a change after it has already been implemented, understanding their role, or receiving training in the specific toolset they need before they need it can be the difference between a reactive and proactive approach to change. Change fatigue can be emotionally and physically draining on an employee and can result in change resistance, diminishing quality of work, or even a rise in the frequency of employees leaving the company. By creating clear and tangible goals and identifying employees’ barriers to change, organizations can work towards minimizing change fatigue experienced by employees. By shifting from a reactive to proactive mindset, organizations can not only survive, but thrive, in the face of change. Author Gregory Roth Managing Partner Toronto Email | LinkedIn

  • Does Change Ever Really End?

    Siri Maldonado, Director, People Engagement, discusses if change ever ends, how long organizations should expect a change initiative to last, and what additional pieces are required to achieve sustained change and drive lasting benefits. The pandemic has pushed change into the forefront and we are constantly hearing phrases and words such as, “new normal”, or “unprecedented” and “uncertain times”. But what is the new normal, and how does the new normal go hand-in-hand with unprecedented times? At Harbinger, we have always known a little secret… change is constant and is a part of our lives every day. Every one of us experiences change daily, from Apple software updates to the introduction of a new routine, or cancellation of an appointment, change is always around. While we know that change is constant, the magnitude and pace of change that we are seeing today are unmatched. Overnight, organizations were forced to pivot in a short period and with no clear timelines in sight. With these recent experiences, what have organizations learned and what have organizations done to successfully make it through the pandemic? Leading With the Heart It has been interesting to watch organizations weave their way through this pandemic, with many taking a renewed focus on the people aspect. There is a greater understanding of the importance of leading with compassion; the lines between work and personal are blurred and employees are looking to contribute to organizations that recognize this shift. As we have always said, change starts at the individual level, so focusing on leading change with compassion is a differentiator we are seeing between those that have been successful and those that have encountered challenges. I remember seeing the BBC interview of Professor Robert Kelly on South Korea that was interrupted by his children and how it went viral in 2017. Who would have expected this would be a common occurrence and accepted now? At Harbinger, we have always had a people-first approach and enable our people to choose how, when, and where to do their work. In fact, our fledglings are often the highlights of our day and regularly join our Zoom calls. Family is something we all value and having this embedded as part of our culture from the start provided us with the foundation to pull through this pandemic. Embedding a Change Resiliency Culture Another component in navigating change successfully is embedding change resiliency into a company’s culture. Change resiliency is the ability to adapt and persevere despite any circumstance. To have the ability to embed these characteristics into an organization’s culture, it must be led from the top. Leaders need to create a space where collaboration is fostered, taking risks is encouraged, and making mistakes is acceptable. It is also important to note that change resiliency is a critical element to adjust to ongoing change as it allows companies to bounce back during times of crisis. This is often the discriminator between those that have failed with those that have advanced and thrived during the pandemic. It is hard to believe that two years have passed since this all started. Despite feelings of uncertainty across almost all organizations at the onset, organizations that took on the challenge by accelerating their transformation activities which included enhancing digital capabilities and new ways of working, came out on top. A fitting example of a company that demonstrated change resiliency is Expedia, an online travel company. The travel industry was one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, with Expedia experiencing an 82% decline in revenues in Q2. Despite this hardship, the organization pulled through by adapting their online experience with flexible cancellations, simplifying how they do business, and shifting their marketing efforts to highlight destinations that enabled people to be outside, promoted cleanliness, and allowed accommodations for extended periods for working holidays. The resiliency seen by Expedia was not easily achievable, but a significant contributor to their success is their leadership that remained positive and continued to explore new opportunities for their business to thrive despite what they were up against. Acknowledge That Change Doesn’t End In the aforementioned article about Expedia, their Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Peter Kern, also recognized that the change did not end and took the pandemic as an opportunity to execute on activities that would have been challenging in the past. “In a weird way, COVID is a blessing if you want to be a change agent. Obviously, it’s terrible for humanity but in terms of really focusing your company, it gives you an opportunity to focus on what really matters, and that’s a hard thing to do when it’s just business as usual.” – Peter Kern But once an organization recognizes that change doesn’t end, what’s next? Rethinking the End-Date of a Change Initiative We know that the pandemic has impacted all industries and yet many organizations continue to struggle with how to grapple significant business transformations or change initiatives. A big part of this is how organizations manage change initiatives by giving them an end-date. While determining an end-date is a natural part of project management, it is important to keep in mind that almost all change initiatives not only take longer than expected, but require additional efforts like reinforcement, training, and ongoing communications to be successful. With this in mind, all change initiatives should plan for and be flexible with end-dates. In this video, watch as Greg Roth, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Harbinger, discusses what the average length of a change initiative is and how to realize the benefits of your change initiative. My recommendation for clients is to always incorporate additional time for change management activities during each milestone and as part of all project lifecycles. Culture work takes time and embedding traits like a people-first approach and change resiliency is not an easy task. There are several components involved that go far beyond the change itself including revisiting company values, hiring practices, recruitment activities, change management training and leadership, training, reinforcement support, and communications practices. Collectively these actions will support organizations in achieving sustainable change and realizing true benefits. Siri Maldonado Director of Marketing & Communications Toronto Email | LinkedIn

  • Why Vacations are Being Left Behind – and Why They Shouldn’t Be

    As summer turns the corner and fall is steadily approaching, with the cooler weather comes the kick-off of many new projects and initiatives. The end of summer always brings with it an abundance of change. Here at Harbinger, we are wondering; were you able to take some vacation time for yourself this summer? Do you have plans for a vacation in the fall? While the switch to working from home may have reduced time spent commuting to work, it has also led to a significant increase in actual time spent working. This means that now, more than ever, employees need to take vacation time to recoup and refresh. But with Covid-19 either cancelling, postponing, or obstructing the ability to travel, perhaps people feel as though a vacation isn’t on the table for them. So, why do we feel that we need to have an experience in order to have some time off? When you think of the word vacation, there is no doubt you picture someone sitting on a beach with a drink in hand. But maybe this idea that a vacation must be an experience, or a destination is leading people to simply not take any vacation time at all or to save it until things are “normal” again, albeit we have no idea when that may be. A vacation means that you are taking time for yourself. While this can involve having sand in between your toes, it can also entail you visiting someone you love and really spending some time with them. It could be you finally getting around to fixing up that guest room that you can’t bear to look at as you walk by. If you’re taking the time for yourself, who says it is not a worthy vacation? The pandemic has undoubtedly put a wrench in many of our vacation plans. With travel restrictions, quarantine mandates, and general uncertainty, a destination vacation might have to be put on hold. But this does not mean that vacation time should not be taken. Staying in a neighbouring city and trying out a new restaurant can still be “getting away". There are no rules or guidelines to what your vacation must look like. The benefits of taking vacation time for employees, even in the midst of a pandemic, include achieving high performance levels, increased productivity, and increased job satisfaction. In fact, having time off from work can stimulate an employee's creativity and overall job performance. This means that vacation time for employees is not just for recreation but can actually be a crucial factor of their successful employment. But can we ever truly disconnect? As many of us have transitioned to working from home, our offices aren’t more than a few steps away from our kitchen. And when work emails are sent to our personal phones, can we ever detach ourselves? Perhaps people are not taking full advantage of their vacation time because they know that they are going to receive these emails anyways - so what is the point of trying to disconnect? Workplace culture in Canada and the U.S. often revolves around working long, overtime hours, with a focus on ‘getting ahead’ at work. Being the first one there in the morning and the last one out at night may feel like the only way to grab a manager's attention. Not taking vacation time might seem like a factor in ‘getting ahead’ and proving unwavering commitment to the company. But research from Virginia Tech found that the pressure to always be reachable incites feelings of anxiety for employees, leading to increased strain for both employees as well as their families. Our ‘always-on' work culture is not felt all over the world. Other countries are taking the steps towards a more disconnected lifestyle. In France in 2001, the court ruled that it was not obligatory for employees to bring their work home and being unreachable would not be considered misconduct. In 2012, the German company Volkswagen rerouted any emails sent to employees between 6:15 p.m. and 7 a.m. so that they would not be notified. While it is evident that the ability to disconnect is there, the onus does not only fall onto the individual employee. Managers have due diligence to remind their employees to take their vacation time and to address any hesitation surrounding this time off. Employers should encourage their employees to take the allotted time off and reiterate the known benefits of vacation time. Unnecessary pressure to be online at all times needs to be relieved to ensure that employees are making the most of their vacation and are recharging both physically and mentally. Adequate vacation time can ultimately lead to stronger employee morale and workplace culture. How can a culture of trust increase vacation time taken? From team leaders to individuals working on independent projects, everyone feels the pressure of making decisions. Arguably even more stressful is giving up the control of these decisions. Thus, if you take a vacation - who will make these decisions? And how will they know what to decide? Setting an “out of office” message is redundant if you are checking your inbox regardless. If you have selected your messages to be sent to another co-worker, there needs to be trust that this co-worker has the knowledge and skills to handle any potential situation. There must be an acceptance that others also have the ability to make strong, calculated decisions, even in your absence. If there is a lack of trust within team members or within departments, employees may hesitate to take their vacation time as they do not want to take a week off from receiving communications. Alternatively, if the vacation time is taken but the employee cannot fully “disconnect” from work, they may feel burnt out and not get the physical and mental rest that they need. It is necessary that managers ensure that there is trust within, as well as between, departments. If employees have anxiety surrounding taking time off, the team dynamics need to be re-analyzed. Trust needs to be built and the best way for managers to build trust between coworkers is by displaying trust. When managers allow employees to make decisions and exhibit confidence in their knowledge and skills, they are setting a concrete example of trust. If there is a lack of trust, communication and coaching must be increased to get to the root of the problem. From all of us at Harbinger, we hope you were able to find some time for yourself during these last few weeks of summer, whether that means reading a great book or having a week up at a cottage. We are also excited for those taking your time off in these upcoming months, because we know that vacations are not only deserved, but they are necessary for the well-being and long-lasting success of individuals, teams, and organizations. Check out some snapshots of the Harbingers enjoying their vacations! Teresa Cimino Marketing & Communications Coordinator Toronto Email | LinkedIn

  • Meet the Harbingers: Teresa Cimino

    Teresa Cimino is the Marketing and Communications Coordinator at Harbinger SCR. Teresa will be focusing most of her time on various marketing activities to support and strengthen Harbinger’s brand. She will also be assisting the team internally where needed, and learning the ins and outs of being a project manager and change practitioner. What does your role at Harbinger entail? As the Marketing and Communications Coordinator, I have the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects. From website development and communications to brand management and social media, I will play an active role in conveying Harbinger’s values and developing our voice to demonstrate who we are as an organization. I am eager to channel my creativity into this role as we explore new marketing and communications initiatives. What do you enjoy most about working in marketing and communications field? I love learning about what makes people click (literally). As companies have seen a shift in communication styles and marketing platforms over the past decade, there is still so much to learn about what draws people in, making them feel intrigued and welcomed. Communication in the digital age allows a much further reach, making it an exciting time to be a marketing and communications practitioner. What are you happiest doing when you’re not working? I love to play sports in my free time - anything to get my body moving. After playing competitive soccer for 7 years, I decided to take up some less conventional sports (fencing, boxing, and Spikeball for example). What are some of the values that drive you? Some of the values that drive me are connection, compassion, and integrity. I believe that connection and building relationships is what has led me to this point in my life - without friends, family, mentors, and peers, I don’t know where I would be. Compassion is a key value in sustaining these relationships; I think that compassion builds trust and trust leads to success. Lastly, I value self-integrity as a guiding principle in not only my work, but in my personal life. Being proud of the person that I am is what motivates me to make my best decisions. What makes you most excited to be a Harbinger? If the past year of this pandemic has taught me anything, it would be that change is quick to happen and a force to be reckoned with. While change may come unexpectedly, it is also something that you can plan for. The importance of managing change has been so present in my own personal life, so to have the opportunity to work with a company that helps others embrace change head-on is something I am very excited about. What is your favourite quote? My favourite quote is, “It’s never too late to be who you might have been” - George Eliot. I believe that we are constantly changing and evolving into different versions of ourselves. There is no time like the present to become the person that you want to be. How do you like to learn? I am definitely a visual learner. I feel as though seeing information allows me to retain it better as I can replay it in my head like a movie. Additionally, I like to learn alongside others. Throughout University I was a big fan of study groups as they were a great way to bounce ideas off each other and collaborate with people who have similar goals. What is your next vacation spot? I am a foodie so I would love to go anywhere that I can try something I never have before. I have always wanted to go to Japan and immerse myself in their amazing culture. Also, I would love to go to Italy and see where my grandparents lived before coming to Canada. Rachelle Su Manager, Change Enablement & Learning Toronto Email | LinkedIn Teresa Cimino Marketing & Communications Coordinator Toronto Email | LinkedIn

  • The New World of Work is Here

    Siri Maldonado, Director, People Engagement, explores how the pandemic has turned the traditional 9-to-5 upside down, forcing businesses to think about what the New World of Work means to them and what they need to do to make it a success. It’s been almost two years since the pandemic first revealed itself; turning the world and businesses on their heads and shifting the way we work forever. With vaccination rates on the rise and COVID-19 moving to the rear-view (fingers-crossed!), organizations are beginning to explore and plan for the new world of work. But what is the new world of work? And what do businesses have to do to prepare? Let’s start with what’s changed. 1. Remote work became the norm. Before covid-19, remote work was typically offered as a perk. That quickly changed and many businesses were forced to change their work environments overnight. Not only did organizations have to pivot to a remote work environment, but they also had to figure out how to support employees who were working double while home-schooling, or taking care of dependents. The pressures didn’t stop there; immense feelings of job insecurity, financial concerns, isolation and more, impacted employee engagement and highlighted the need for different leadership attributes to support people through this change. 2. The pandemic will have lasting impacts on employee engagement. There are two sides to this story. On the one hand, remote work has empowered employees by providing them with autonomy to decide how and when to do their work. It has also enabled them to think about why they are working, and the value it has to them. On the other hand, the pandemic also resulted in employee burnout as the lines between their professional and personal lives became blurred. To address this, some of the things organizations needed to do were ramp up employee recognition, be creative in their virtual engagement activities, provide coaching, time-management tips and best practices (e.g. blocking off 30% of your calendar) encouraging the use of post script signatures that set expectations or explained unusual response times, and ensure they were creating a fulfilling work environment. Approaches to maintaining employee engagement will continue to evolve, but one thing is for sure, the way people work, and the increasing need to find value in their work will never be the same. 3. Leadership is human. It’s becoming more uncommon, but traditionally leaders have been appointed predominantly based on their experience and expertise. While those continue to be important today, we are seeing an emergence of an emotional and human-centered approach to leadership. In my career, I’ve had many great leaders, and one of the most common threads they’ve shared is the emotional support they’ve provided. Like many, I often found my personal lives intertwined with my professional life. Most recently, this has been the experience for many as people were forced to work and live at home full-time because of the pandemic. This highlighted the need for leaders to focus on supporting their people by finding different, and meaningful ways to connect, demonstrating trust and respect, and showing compassion for their employee’s well-being. These attributes are more important than ever, and organizations must take initiative to embed these qualities within their culture and leadership group to succeed in the New World of Work. With all this in mind, businesses have been busily planning what the New World of Work looks like as they start to welcome their employees back into a physical space full-time or part-time. The New World of Work doesn’t look the same for all. Despite the pandemic illustrating how successful employees can be working remotely, there are businesses that have made a strong stance on having their employees return to the office full-time. Let’s look at Morgan Stanley, where recent headlines like “If you want NYC salary, you need to be in NYC” have been highlighted. Morgan Stanley’s chief executive has been clear that he expects all New York City employees to be back at their desks in the office by Labour Day or they will face salary cuts. This is a stark contrast to what we are seeing from other companies like Twitter, which have moved to a permanent remote work environment for at least two years as they experienced a lift in productivity during the pandemic. Then there’s Salesforce which has fallen in the middle of the two, with their Work from Anywhere model that offers employees three options for how they’ll work going forward: flex, fully remote, or office-based. There are pros and cons to all the options above; being in the office provides development opportunities and pay grades are traditionally based on location, so I can understand why many organizations including Morgan Stanley, have been adamant about making pay cuts if their employees are not in the office. However, working remotely allows organizations to find talent, regardless of socioeconomic, geographic, and cultural backgrounds as they are not tied to a specific location. It also allows them to save on real estate costs and other operational expenses and has positive environmental impacts with less commuting and the increased use of technology. Whatever choice businesses make, it is crucial they involve their employees in their decision. As we always say, change starts with the people. The good news is there is an abundance of resources available for businesses to use as they transition to the New World of Work. Where to start 1. Survey, survey, survey! Surveys are a great way to collect insights to use during the planning process. It’s also important to note that surveys are not once and done. You should start with a baseline survey, and continue to measure against those results as you progress with your planning. Surveys should also be complemented by other activities, like leader cascades, town halls, and other communications activities. 2. Continue developing a culture that is change resilient, flexible, and adaptable. This is important as we know change never ends and giving the tools and support for employees to embrace the changes are key. The strongest cultures inspire, enable and connect their people. I invite you to read @Krista Schaber-Chan‘s blog ‘Are your people Change Enabled’ to learn more about Change Enablement. 3. Update your team charter. At Harbinger, we love a team charter. It’s a great tool for leaders to use to start crucial discussions on how they will work with each other in the New World of Work. Team charters should be regularly updated and discussed as teams will continuously learn what works and what doesn’t. 4. Stay on top of and share tips about how to work in the New World of Work with leaders and employees. There is a flurry of resources available, including these work-from-home tips for leaders and employees from Harbinger. 5. Don’t stop investing in your people. Employees have more access to information than ever, and studies have shown that the best employees must find value in the work that they do. Human-centered skills and maintaining employee engagement will be key success drivers. As demonstrated, there is a lot to dissect when it comes to the New World of Work, and you’ll be hearing more about this from the team in the coming months. In the meantime, we want to know if your organization has made a decision on what this looks like. We’re also interested in hearing what your preferences are. Do you want a hybrid model? Do you like being in the office full-time? Or do you want to stay fully-remote? Let us know! Siri Maldonado Director of Marketing & Communications Toronto Email | LinkedIn

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