Tues, May 12 2020 | ACMP's Members-Only Monthly Webinar
The New Age of Change Management is
Change Enablement
Time & Location
Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
This webinar was hosted by the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) and the recording is available in the ACMP's members-only resource library.
About the Event
What is change enablement and how can it be used to transform businesses today? How does the changing workforce and pace of change impact leaders and what do they need to do to lead their people through a transformation?
In this webinar Krista Schaber-Chan, Managing Partner, explores the role of leaders in today’s business transformations, specifically in how to engage the changing workforce, identify informal change leaders, and conquer failures.
Learning Objectives
Leadership change enablement tips: How to identify informal change leaders, the art of letting go, active listening and observation, letting go of fear, and conquering failures.
The evolution of change management to change enablement.
Understanding the intricacies of today’s workforce demographics including the emergence of Gen Z’s, an increase of Millennials, and how to lead them through change.
Krista Schaber-Chan's Workshop
Krista's workshop provided an overview of change enablement including best practices and tips for change leaders, analysis of the evolution of change management to change enablement and helpful insights on managing today's evolving workforce.